Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Yummy Tasty Happiness!

Today was a day full of joy and goodness. I was the fortunate recipient of some real, true honest to goodness milk from a cow! I had tossed aside all shame and called in a favor to a certain yet to be named flight ninja. I was instructed to be at the airfield by 1430 hours for my covert pick-up. Okay, the real reason for my trip out there was to visit the C-17 for flight deck and emergency egress familiarization. (Yeah, right.) The Mission Commander had very graciously offered to have us out for some training as we were unfamiliar with the specifics of the C-17 vs. the LC-130 aircraft that we'd trained on during our Salt Lake City FD ARFF course. I tried to snap a shot of the bearer of my milk but he was too stealthy for my non catlike reflexes. Oh well, I'll respect the anonymity of the ninja. Once we had familiarized ourselves with the aircraft somewhat, we loaded back into Scat, which (as an aside) much to my dismay smells like poo again. I cracked open one of the bottles of milk and felt the sweet creamy goodness cascade down into the depths of my happy little tummy. Oh what a moment of bliss it was...
After we arrived back in town I met up with Diane and we had a little party in my room. She brought her good coffee, hot water pot, coffee press, and cookies and I had the milk and granola. We had quite the feast, enjoying the little comforts that one takes for granted at home. It was such a delight to have a proper bowl of cereal and cup of coffee. With out the goodness of ninjas everywhere this moment would not have been possible. Thank you, thank you.

Later on we headed over to dinner and then to the coffee house for a movie and some relaxation with friends. As we were leaving decided that my dorm building we the note that is permanently affixed to the exit door could perhaps be true indeed. Who knows if it really is, but it's just one of those little things that makes me smile each time I leave the building. Some days though I just wish I had the treasure of Dove chocolate that once resided inside the little wrapper. Earlier this morning we played four-person, each-man-for-himself dodgeball. It was super fun and I ran my little buns off, but by dinner time my wrist was getting really sore and swollen. It seems that you need to warm-up and train certain muscles and such for dodge ball. Oh and Rob, it seems you were always right. I have once again been told that I throw with terrible body mechanics and my aim is less than good.

It was a good day for me. The little things definitely made a big difference. Tomorrow is my K-day so sleeping in time for me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm......I thought you had an allergy to milk!

9:45 AM  

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