Sunday, November 06, 2005

GNO is back!

Last night we finally pulled off the first Girls Night Out down here with the gang. It took nearly a week to find a night where everyone was free. After dinner we met at Gallagher's bar and had drinks and chatted. As the night went on it got much more crowded, we continued to enjoy the company of girl friends and not a single guy came up to chat other than fellow firefighter friends. It was perfectly fine with all of us as the point was just to hang with the ladies, but it was funny nonetheless. Apparently women in herds are scary! (L-R Jenn, Sara, me, Vanessa, Becky, Diane, Holly, and Vicki) At one point a really drunk military guy came over and yelled at us for being a group of women who were paying no attention to the men in the bar. We thanked him for his opinion and told him that we were having a ladies night. At that point he told us that we were "just despicable!" One of the women Vanessa told him that she hoped he wasn't a pilot because he had just crashed and burned bad. He lingered on continuing to yell right into my ear even after we quite specifically asked him to leave and continued with our conversation. His fellow military guys just sat where they were and shook their heads about how horrible his behavior was. I really hate drunk pompous idiots. Unfortunately, I've found myself with a less than pleasant head cold and was not so into it the whole night. After a couple of hours I headed back to my dorm for some good cold meds and a reasonable night's sleep.

Today I'm back at work out at Station Two. It's Sunday here which means a day of relaxation. We did our truck checks and then went to the galley for the Sunday-scrounge-for-food. Sundays they don't bring food out here so you have to fend for yourself. It stinks because Sunday brunch is the best meal of the week. I've become quite the omelet chef out here as often the best we can find is liquid egg and leftover lunch meat and if we're lucky veggies. Diane found cake and I was pretty tickled to discover Cheerios that I could take back to snack on at the station. I worked on my blog while the others watched a movie. Now they're playing a wicked game of Risk and I'm going to study for my D/O class while I have one of the departments two textbooks to myself. Usually there are no flights on Sundays, but with the weather earlier this week planes were grounded for two days. I think they are trying to catch up and so we have two flights in this afternoon. No big deal, particularly compared to the more typical days when there are twelve to fifteen hard stands in a day. Who knows, maybe there will be mail for us! I'm still feeling crappy with this head cold and quickly getting tired of the slow leak coming from the right side of my nose. Thank goodness I had the forethought to send myself numerous little travel packages of Kleenex. I'd wager that the kind they have in the store come from the same roll as the toilet paper. Not so soft and plush as it is thin, rough and non-absorbent. The rest of the night was taken up with studying a movie, dinner and then another movie. My cold has worsened throughout the day and now I'm just trying to control my fluids as I'm sneezing, coughing and leaking out the nose like mad. Diane thinks it's funny and keeps laughing at how miserable I look. I seem to be having a much harder time finding the humor in all of it.


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