Thursday, October 27, 2005

Hooray for K-Day!

Finally, I'm on my first K (Kelly) day after nearly a month here. It has been nice to have a little more down time and the opportunity to sleep in. Opportunity I say because it hasn't happened yet, maybe in the morning. I'm still living with laryngitis and it's now nearing the end of day four with it. I think I may be getting little snippets of sound back, but with that is coming a sore throat. I sure hope it's not "The Crud" coming down on me!

Yesterday was a mellow day with the highlight being a fun hike up to the top of Ob Hill. It was a gorgeous day and clear incredibly far away. Diane , Andre', Emily and I decided to hit that hike before she left. Emily and I've talked about doing it several times but either she's been sick or the weather on our off days was yucky. The trail up is steepish and all volcanic scree and/or snow. At the top is the cross in memory of the Scott expedition who perished. (I know nothing about the history here, I should read up on it while I'm here.) It was gorgeous to see the 360 degree views of the mountains, McMurdo, Scott Base and the ice. We took a million pictures and had a great time laughing, gazing and just being downright goofy. On the way down we did the obligatory butt-slide down the snow slope. It was a hoot and a pretty decent slope! So much fun that we had to climb back up and do it again. Behind me you can see White Island to the left and Black Island to the right. Between the two is Minna Bluff which is nearly straight South. This is also where the storms blow in from. Behind Diane you can see the steam coming from the tip of Mt. Erebus which is an active volcano. Mt Erebus is to the North. It's amazing how you can look at the same vista and see a different view each and every time!

Last night one of our A-shift firefighters, Brian Spigel, had a party at Hut-10 for his birthday and another firefighter. It also ended up being a going away party for Emily. There was a good turn out of people and we had a great time playing games, listening to music, laughing and talking (me only whispering) and watching the clouds and colors change with the sun. It really is a gorgeous place with spectacular vistas. Although it's just ice and dirt there really are a million different colors throughout each day.

I spent this morning with Emily watching a movie in my room. The big news is that my good, good friend Emily left today to head home back to Colorado. She's been sick for the last week and a half with the flu and possible allergies to the volcanic dust that is so prolific here and has a family emergency at home. I'm so sad to see her go but understand that this is where she needs to be right now. She is one of the funniest, most happy and fun people I've ever met and she can liven up any situation with a witty comment or smile. She's a great firefighter and will be missed by all down here in MacTown. She's headed back home to Dillon, CO so we'll still be able to stay close once I return home. Anyhow I just got back from the runway to see her off. My Captain was awesome and agreed to drive me out there to say goodbye and it was a little bit teary for all of us. Travel safely Em!

I think I'll skip American Night at Scott Base for this week. Tonight I may go wander through the haunted house or I may watch the movie in the coffee house. Then again, I may just be a potato and go to bed early. Who can tell???


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