Monday, October 17, 2005

Nothin much

Nothing too much going on the last couple of days. Yesterday was my first full day off with no dive tending and I took it really mellow. After shift change, I worked out, had brunch, went to the mall (okay, just the store, but we like to call it the mall) and did some Christmas shopping, watched the movie, "Tommy Boy" in the coffee house, had dinner, went to a science lecture about the Icebergs and their effects on the Ross Island. One of them (B15) that calved off in 2003 is larger than the state of Connecticut, and could provide every person on the planet with a ten pound bag of ice cubes every day for the seventy five years. And that is just one iceberg! Do we really have a drought? It sounds more like a dispersion problem to me. Not so much of a global warming issue down here on the south end of the earth! After the lecture we played pool for a while and then I was off to bed.

This morning at work we did a mutual aid drill with the folks at Scott Base. That was pretty fun and interesting to see how they operate. Their fire brigade doesn't wear fire boots (just whatever shoes they have on) and their coats are woolen. Funny, eh? Inspections, very detailed inventory checks and cleaning each compartment on the engines, tanker and ambulances and now we are doing area familiarization training. I've yet to have a day at work that allows us to just sit and chill. So busy we are. Cleaning and a couple of calls this afternoon. These are my days.
The other day we were the handyman and furniture moving crew. We took off the panels on the chapel bell tower and moved seven armoire closets from the second floor of one building to the second floor of another building. Yes, we are community helpers indeed!

I miss you all and would sure love to be hearing from all of you at home about what's going on there. Oh, and if someone could have a Venti nonfat one-pump pumpkin spice latte for me?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have had a great time following your adventure. I cannot wait to see how in shape you are when you return. You have taken some really great photos. Anni is going to take some for show and tell next week. Not much going on here. Matt turned 12 on Saturday. He went to the tailgate at the U of U with Rob and got sunburned as it was 75 degrees. He goes to Shriners tomorrow so we will know what he has to look forward to.

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi trisha! I am not really computer savvy, but I'll give this a shot anyway, and hope that you get it. I finally get to go back to work on Monday after having a mandatory three weeks off to a little eye injury that I aquired from a soccer game. I have been completely bored and bed ridden, but at least I am not permanently blind. Hopefully I'll get to go back combat in a few days, but for now I am stuck with lousy desk work. Besides that, nothing else interesting is really going on. Jared is building and playing fireman, and I have been trying to get a head start on Christmas shopping. What would you like by the way? Well, I'll try this blog business again sometime, but considering I don't currently have the internet at home, it will have to be when I can stop by another Clampet's pad and snag the computer. Cheerio and don't get frost bite. -Shani

8:22 AM  

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