Tuesday, October 11, 2005


It's an off day and has been pretty mellow so far. After work, I grabbed a little instant Cream of Wheat for breakfast and then went over to my dorm to change and do some chores. I sure wish I'd had the forethought to bring some yummy food from home down. I've got such a hankering for a Diet Coke and Lucky Charms. Not together of course because that would be gross. Anyone, anyone??

I was invited again to go dive tending and Emily went with. We went out to Hut #8, a little ice fishing like shack with a hole about 4-5 feet deep and not much bigger than a fully dry-suited and tanked diver. We helped them finish getting dressed and gloved up. After they said they'd be back in about 30 minutes, plop...in the hole they went one at a time! Yes, they are diving in dry suits but let me remind you that the water is only 28.5F. Super chilly!!! We hung out above, watched another plane fly in and after about half an hour the water began bubbling away like mad sounding like a hot spring and out they popped. They shuttled their equipment up to us and climbed out with a few of the specimens that they were in search of for their research. One of the guys Henry, is with a group doing research on teeny tiny single celled creatures called Forams that are smaller than the size of a bebe and live in the dirt on the sea floor to compare it's amino acids to some other creature. I think... That and many more important things. Kinda cool, really. The two other divers were Rob Robbins who is the dive king here and has been coming down for over 20 years. He has more time on station than about anyone else. The other guy, Mike, is doing research with a group from U of Delaware. All nice guys.

Afterwards, Emily and I came in for a hot drink to warm up as it's pretty cold and windy today.
A plane flew in today that was to be primarily cargo. If I'm super lucky, maybe I'll have a package or more in this group.

I think now I'll go for a workout before dinner and then perhaps a little reading time or a nap. Days off are cool.

Here's a picture of the seal that stuck it's head up in the hole yesterday. I seem to be a jinx on the critters! They never pop up to say hello when we are there. Humph...


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