Thursday, December 22, 2005

Getting ready for Christmas?

Well, Christmas is nearly upon us and I have to say, I still am not really feeling it. It's tough down here as there isn't much that seems festive and Christmasy. I'll give them credit, they do try. There are some big decorations that they've hung from the poles on the streets, there's a little Christmas tree and some lights in the galley and a few other decorations around trying to help the mood. As Christmas is my very-most-favorite-of-all holiday it just simply isn't cutting it for me. I want to be with family and friends and enjoying the holidays looking at Christmas lights at night in the dark, decorating my house, doing all the mandatory holiday baking and treat eating, shoveling snow off the driveway and sidewalks, listening to Christmas music and generally feeling the holiday spirit. On top of it all I tweaked my back again just over a week ago and so have been off work and lying around in bed all drugged up. What fun! The weather has continued to be fussy bringing lots of ground fog and snow. This means that the planes are unable to fly, more so land, and consequently there have been very few if any flights to and from Christchurch. Planes from New Zealand sometimes = package mail so that would be nice. Nothing that we can do about the weather though. The C-17's were supposed to fly the first mission in since November yesterday but again, the weather wasn't cooperative. We've all been really excited for their return as they are sure to bring some of the tens of thousands of pounds of package mail that is sitting up in Christchurch.

Anyhow, on to other things. Last night we had our A-shift Fire Department Christmas party at Hut 10. We had some ricotta cheese, fresh onions and garlic, and Italian sausage flown down on one of the C-130's for our meal of lasagna and pasta. Chief spent the entire day before making homemade meatballs and lasagna noodles and the dinner was absolutely delicious. I'd forgotten how good garlic bread with fresh garlic tastes! The party was great fun and started off with dinner and drinks. People mingled in and it was good to see lots of the B-shift folks there as well. We had drawn names for a Secret Santa exchange. There were small gifts given in the weeks and days before but the main gift exchange was at last night's party. A month or so ago, prior to the date of the party being set, I had committed to call bingo at "Junk Food Bingo" night. The time was quickly approaching when I'd have to step out of the party for my bingo obligations and I was afraid I'd miss the gift exchange. Lucky for me, they started the exchanging earlier than planned. There was some definite creativity involved in a lot of the gift giving and some really funny gifts along with the ever perfect gift of alcohol that is a popular choice for many down here, what with the rationing of booze and all. One of the Lt's/FPO Josh was Santa and Roney took the role of elf. Not your typical elf, mind you, but he did a stellar job. My name was called and I came up to Santa who presented me with a large red gear bag. I knew this could be trouble and had no idea at all what could possibly be inside. I began opening the bag to discover another big red gear bag inside, and another and another and another and another. I think there were at least six or seven bags to unzip. Once inside the final bag I glanced in and to my utter shock and surprise there was an Antarctic Fire Department helmet that had been signed by the guys and gals in the fire crew from both shifts. I was stunned and knowing me, yes, there were a few tears shed. I'm going to partially blame that on the drugs... How thoughtful and kind and what a perfect gift. Lt. Alabastro, you've done a perfect job with this one! Thank you! It was super cool and really means a lot to me.

On that emotional note, I zipped out to go call bingo at Gallaghers. I wasn't sure if anyone was going to show to help me but it was all good. I figured I'd get it done, have a good time and head back to the party. No sooner than I'd gotten through the instructions from Chrissie in Rec than I see Kyle walking in to help me out. He'd left the party also to help and be there to support me. I'm so fortunate that these are the kind of people that I get to work with on a daily basis. We began the bingo games and tore through what we fondly called Speed Bingo in no time at all. I think there were six games in all and we were done with all six and two five minute breaks in just about an hour. Speed demons we are!! It was a fun thing to do and I think both Kyle and I had a good time. After sampling a handful of one of the winners Lucky Charms cereal we headed back to the party at hut 10. As I'd been pretty immobile I spent the majority of the party sitting by watching the rest of the gang party it up, dancing and goofing about. It was great fun to be out and doing something social but I just wish I could have played more. There was more dancing and a good dose of drunken debauchery. Funny, funny people and lots of laughing for me.
After a few more hours of that I was tired and my back was urging me back to a flat surface and a good nights sleep. Sweet dreams and wishes for holiday cheer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick hello from Evie Cohen. I met Glenn Stamas who told me of your whereabouts. I'm very excited about your adventure. Best of luck there - and have a happy New Year!
Evie Cohen

4:33 AM  

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