Thursday, December 01, 2005

FunRazor anyone?

Tonight was a complete riot. The Kiwi's over at Scott Base hosted a "FunRazor" head shaving benefit for children's cancer. The process was such that one could bid to get to shave someone's head or just bid on that person having their head shaved. It went from just heads to eyebrows, beards, moustaches, chests and backs. There were even a couple of women that had their heads lightened up...bald. And as though shaving wasn't enough, a couple of chaps had their eyebrows waxed and one guy, his entire back. Yikes! Now that part was just a titch much for me and therefore I shall spare you the pictures. All in good fun though and for a fantastic cause. I even jumped into the fun and took a turn shaving one of the fellows head. I'd never shaved with a razor trimmer thing and it was a little nervewracking as I thought for a bit that I might cut him. Got over that real quick and went to town leaving him a bit on the face and a small tuft on his head to run his fingers through. Considerate of me, eh?! Anyhow, at the end of the evening Scott Base had raised $1,700.00 dollars which was fantastic in the scheme of things. I believe the entire country of new Zealand raised $30,000.00 total. It was great fun, as it always is with those crazy Kiwi's and so neat to see so many buck up for such a worthwhile cause. Towards the end of the evening they surprised us with delicious homemade pizzas. A super yummy treat and they folks over there prepare some of the best food I've had! Thanks!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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