Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Fun, Food, and Friends!!

Sunday was the McMurdo Cyclocross bike race. It was a pretty fun event with lots of very funny people. I had volunteered to help staff one of the spots along the route to direct the riders in the right direction. It was a rather cool morning here and yet the participants still showed up in full costume and brimming with creativity. Superman, Santa, a Suit, and SpeightsMan all were there along with Sara the cycling clown and a gentleman clad in a leopard print dress and feather boa! Too funny and although I'd rushed to get there on time after brunch and was not really dressed warmly enough in my jeans and coat with no gloves it was well worth the chill to get to laugh so much and be a part of the fun. The racers were true champs, particularly given the less than smooth road conditions, chilly air and bicycles that didn't all stay together. One guy lost a tire, twice and another came strolling past with the entire pedal and it's parts in his hand. Regardless of the defect, everyone was smiling and having a good time of it all.

Groceries came yesterday thanks to a wonderful group of the LC-130 flight crew guys who offered to do a little shopping if given a list and some cash. Specifically Steve, thanks! It means so much to be able to have the tiny little things that make it feel like home, if even for only a few minutes.

Today Diane, Sara and I took the shuttle over to Scott Base to try to replace a few little stuffed penguins that we'd sent home with our friend Don for his boys. Diane had heard rumor that they had the little fellas back in stock so we headed that way. When we arrived, Kat broke the sad news to us that in fact, no, there were still no little penguins. It was true they were en route, but still trapped away in some cold pallet someplace between Christchurch and here. Not to worry though, we managed to make the trip worthwhile by picking up a few more yummy Kiwi candy bars and snacks, Jaffas being my favs. Unfortunately, we missed the return shuttle and had to begin to walk back to MacTown. We weren't dressed well for walking, I had on a tank top and Big Red and Sara just had a little light shell of a jacket. She was too cold and I was dying of heat in my big, fat, non-breathable parka. Luck was on our side, for a truck of GA's stopped by and we hitched a ride the rest of the way with them. Good thing, I was getting grouchy! :-)

We got back to town just in time to put our goodies away and be ready for the biggest excitement of the day. Our good friend Jawn, Col. Sischo to be more formal, returned today from Christchurch where she'd gone away for too many days. Sara had made a huge butcher paper sign that said "Got Jawn?" and since we couldn't get out to the Sea Ice runway where the Kiwi Herc that she was flying in on was landing we waited outside my dorm building along the roadside for her to drive by. She loved the sign and as they drove by they pulled up in the van right into the alley where we were so she could tell us "Fireflies" how much she loved it. It's good to have her back and nice to help make her feel so welcome again. My guess is we'll end up at the coffee bar tonight for some more fun and laughter!


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